Saturday, September 20, 2008

Audrey's Free Tour no.1

As part of Marnie's Free Tours program, fellow volunteer Audrey Baldwin offers some insight into Carmela Gross' work Real People for those fortunate enough to be on her free shuttle bus.

Well, it's not *hers*, she doesn't *own* it. What she *does* own is the attention of those surrounding her, who quietly listen as she recites her well written script. People can be pretty polite actually, apart from one guy who blerted "Yeah, but what are you actually talking about?". Audrey politely pointed behind her, indicating he had missed it.

Waiting for the shuttle on The Lombo (yes, i called it 'The Lombo' because thats what the cool people of Crimeschurch call it. *Tsk*. Colombo Street if you will). Sorry Audrey, if we'd caught the first one we wouldn't have been waiting so long, but i insisted on a shameless excersion to BK because i was still hungover. And thus we missed it. Note the actual work in the background above head.

Flagging down the bus. Or waving to the bogans. Whatevz. Mixing the job with the social...

It's getting closer...

Stepping on the bus (avoid the groceries and the tiny asians)...

Audrey, initially improvising here with her placement of herself and signage, because the sulky blonde woman was taking up two seats. Tsk, some people. A little but of hesitancy to begin, but then all of a sudden... was really quiet and people were listening in. Audrey surreptitiously holds the sign in the window. Loud Mouth was dude standing holding the pole. Also note the quite woman sitting behind Audrey. She sat there the entire time, and did a whole circuit of the shuttle with us. Didnt make eye contact. Just sat there. She must'v been lonely...

Anyway, really looking forward to seeing how this tour develops.

Also managed to have an ace of a bus driver (pity i didn't get a photo of him). I hope she can get him again on the next one.

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